Special projects call for skilled craftsmanship and good planning. That was definitely the case when remodelling the Krippenstein mountain restaurant in Obertraun. The attractive alpine design was planned by Architecture And Beyond ZT Ltd and was put into effect, staying true to every detail, by Tischlerei Laserer (Carpentry) in Gosau.
In the Foyer and restaurant area, more than 400 m2 Heartwood Ash were installed. The combination of muted colours with the lively nature of the Heartwood Ash creates a harmony in the environment that enables visitors to feel they have truly arrived in the mountains. A project of the highest class - at the highest heights!
“Krippenstein mountain restaurant was a great challenge for us. Not merely from a logistical point of view seeing as the gondola is situated over 2.000 m above sea level, but also as far as craftsmanship was concerned. Special requests like the acoustic panels or the installation of folding, flush-mounted clothing hooks were a pleasure to create when implementing the plans. Using RoHol products made things considerably easier and we are very proud of how this special project has turned out” - Alfred Laserer, Owner of Tischlerei Laserer.
Products: Heartwood Ash- processed into luxurious veneered boards.
Design: Architecture And Beyond ZT Ltd
Workmanship: Tischlerei Laserer (Carpentry), Gosau